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THE World Universities Impact Rankings 2020 Gender Equality LCWU Ranked 1st in Pakistani Universities & 15th in World Top Universities at SDG level 5 THE World Ranking of Universities (2020 edition) was released recently and it ranked LCWU at 1st place in Pakistani Universities and 15th in world top universities at sustainable development goal level 5. It is a very amiable picture of higher education emerging in Pakistan. Lahore College For Women University had applied for SDG 5 and SDG 17. LCWU secured 1st place at SDG 5, and at SDG 17 University secured 10th place in Pakistani universities. In world Top universities LCWU stood at 15 in SDG 5 level & at SDG 17 varsity were at 301-400 The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, founded in 2004, is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities. The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings are the only global performance tables that assess universities against the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals in which it carefully calibrates the indicators to provide comprehensive and balanced comparisons across three broad areas: research, outreach, and stewardship. In a statement, Prof Dr. Bushra Mirza Vice Chancellor Lahore College for Women University says, It reflects recognition of the role of LCWU for reducing the gender gap, This will help in building a positive image of Pakistan because currently Pakistan is ranked at the bottom of the gender gap index, according to the recent world economic forum report. VC says'' This is a piece of very good news for all of us and it provides us with a motivation that if we will work together with the same passion, we will be able to see our university among world top universities. I congratulate all LCWU faculty and staff on this achievement, this is all because of your hard work and professionalism.'' University is striving to achieve gender equality by providing quality education to female students. We have a large number of






Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Leading Book Fair LCWU 2022

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


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Tuesday, April 28, 2020


first post

